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Tips for dealing with some pregnancy ailments

During pregnancy, worry and discomfort can arise when your body changes. Try these basics and contact your doctor or nurse for more advice. Do not use over-the-counter medications or herbs without consulting your doctor.


Nausea, or nausea in the stomach, is often referred to as morning sickness. Some women also have heartburn, or a burning sensation in the stomach, throat, or chest. This is common in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.

How to improve your grades:

• Try to eat crackers, dry toast, or granola before you get up in the morning. These foods can help you anytime of the day if you feel sick.

Eat smaller meals instead of 3 large meals.

• Do not empty your stomach completely. Avoid lying down, sleeping, or exercising for up to an hour after eating.

Avoid high-fat, fried, spicy, sour or fatty foods. Avoid caffeine.

Sleep with your head on the pillow.

When bending over, bend your knees, not your waist

Contact your doctor if you have been unable to hold fluids for more than 24 hours, have dark urine, or feel faint or dizzy.

Exercise, energy and sleep

Fatigue is common, but exercise can strengthen muscles during pregnancy and childbirth. To improve the energy:

• Exercise daily if your doctor allows it. Talk to your doctor about the type of exercise you are doing.

• If you are allowed to exercise, exercise for at least 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Take a rest often. Lie on your left side for at least an hour a day to increase blood flow to your baby. Pillows between the legs and under the abdomen can increase comfort.

• If you have trouble falling asleep, try taking a warm (not hot) shower before bed. You may also want to do relaxing exercises like meditation, deep breathing, and stretching.

Oral hygiene

Go to the dentist at least once during pregnancy.

Let your dentist know if you have a problem with your gums or teeth.

Use a soft toothbrush and brush gently. Floss every day.

If you vomit because of nausea, rinse your mouth out with a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda. This will eliminate the stomach acid in the mouth.

 Do not use tobacco products.

Headaches and Dizziness

If you have a headache, contact your doctor or nurse for an over-the-counter medication. 

Don't take ibuprofen, aspirin, Advil or naproxen. If you experience any dizziness, sit down to avoid falling. After 15 minutes, stand up slowly to see if the dizziness has gone.

Change your position slowly if you have a headache or dizziness. Contact your doctor if your headache or dizziness does not go away or gets worse, or if you have blurred vision, eye pain or pressure, or severe swelling in your hands or feet.

Nose taken Blossoms

You can put a drop or a saline solution in your nose. Talk to your doctor before taking any other over-the-counter medication.

To avoid nosebleeds, sit down, tilt your head forward, and press your fingers firmly against the bleeding nose. Contact your doctor if the bleeding lasts more than 20 minutes.


Skin, hair and nails

Your hair and nails can grow faster. If you want to treat your hair with chemicals, let your hairdresser know that you are pregnant.

Common skin problems include skin discoloration, itchy skin, acne, and cracked skin. Topical lotions or ointments can be used to reduce itchy skin or reduce stretch marks. Do not use Accutane or Retin-A products while pregnant.

Contact your doctor if you are concerned. 

Breasts are soft or milky that are leaking

• Use a tight-fitting support bra, e.g., B. a sports bra. Some women also use an underwire bra to sleep at night. If milk leaks from your breasts, wear nursing pads in your bra and change them when you feel or think wet.

Let your doctor know if you feel a lump or change in your nipple.

Frequent urination or loss of urine

You may need to urinate more during pregnancy. Loss of urine is common in the last few months of pregnancy. Urine leakage occurs when you cough, sneeze, lift, or engage in sexual activity during pregnancy.

• Do not limit your fluid or water intake, but reduce your intake before bed.

• Frequent urination. Avoid liquids containing caffeine.

Do exercises such as Kegel to make your muscles stronger and to control the muscles around your vagina. To locate these muscles, you need to stop and start urinating when you go to the bathroom. Try to tense the muscles little by little. Then let go very slowly. As you tense the muscles, you should feel the area of ​​the urethra where the urine is leaking.

The body is slightly raised. Practice these exercises while seated,

Stand, walk, drive or watch TV. Do these exercises at least 10 times, 5 to 10 times per day.

Contact your doctor if you feel burning or painful urination, or if you have a fever.

Contact your doctor if you suspect that you are leaking amniotic fluid but you do not have urine. Lie down with an absorbent pillow for 30 minutes. If you feel fluid when you stand and it is yellow, pink, or brown, contact your doctor.

Vaginal Drainage 
It is normal for your vaginal drainage to change. 
• Bathe the external vaginal area frequently. Use unscented soap. Rinse well. 
• Do not use tampons, vaginal sprays, douches, powders, or colored or scented toilet paper. 
• Wear cotton underwear. Avoid nylon stockings or tight tights and pants. 
• Call your doctor if the discharge smells bad, itches, or if there is blood. 

Constipation or diarrhea 
Constipation is very common during pregnancy due to changes in the body's hormones. Diarrhea can result from diet, exercise, prenatal vitamins, or an infection. 

• You can Drink at least 6 to 8 cups of fluids per  day. Choose water, juices, and milk. 
• Eat foods that are high in fiber, such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber bran, and cooked dry beans. 
• Do not use laxatives, enemas, or over-the-counter medicines unless your doctor says you can. 
• Call your doctor if your constipation does not improve in 2 days. 

• Drink 8 to 12 cups of water, broth, or low-sugar sports drinks. Avoid juices and milk, which can make diarrhea worse. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. 
• Eat bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, yogurt, milk-free soups, potatoes, crackers, oatmeal, low-sugar and low-fiber cereals, and lean proteins like chicken, turkey, beef, pork, hard-boiled eggs, or tofu. 
Call your doctor if your diarrhea does not improve within 2 days, if you have worse pain or cramps, or if you have rectal bleeding. If you have diarrhea for 2 days or more, use an oral rehydration product such as Pedialyte.


Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectum caused by obstruction or pressure on the baby during pregnancy.

Eat whole grains and high fiber foods like raw fruits and vegetables. Drink more water and juice in moderation

To keep your bowel movements regular and smooth.

• Do not use force or squeeze when defecating.

Use a cold compress to reduce pain or swelling. Talk to your doctor about using a topical cream or hazelnut to relieve pain

Contact your doctor if pain or bleeding increases.


Back pain and leg cramps

Most women experience back pain because their bodies change as their baby grows. Leg cramps are common during pregnancy.
Back pain

• Use a mattress to rest or sleep. Lie on your left side with pillows between your knees, back, and under your stomach.

• Stand straight. Don't loosen or hang.

• Wear walking shoes with low heels. • Don't stay in one place for a long time. Change your posture every 30 minutes. Instead of bending at the waist, squat down to remove items. Do not bend at the waist. Bend your knees. 




Muscle cramps in the legs

Increase the intake of fluids, calcium, and potassium in your diet. Eat foods like milk, yogurt, bananas, and orange juice.

Rest your feet during the day. While sitting or lying down, place a pillow under your knees and ankles.

When calf cramps start, straighten your legs and bend your legs forward to gently stretch the muscles. Contact your doctor if just one leg is sore all the time, if there is a hot or red spot on the leg, or if the leg hurts when you bend your leg forward.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that you can see on your legs. Your legs may be itchy, painful, or tingling.

• Avoid nylon or stockings with elastic mesh.

• Wear shorts or trainers. Avoid high heels.

• Wear compression stockings when standing for long periods of time to improve blood flow from the legs to the heart.

Take short breaks while you keep your feet above your heart level. Lie on your left side with a pillow between your legs and under your stomach.

• Do not cross your legs when sitting.

Swollen hands and feet

Don’t stand or sit for long time.

Lie on your left side for 30 to 60 minutes 3 to 4 times a day. Exercise if your doctor allows you to.

Avoid salty foods.

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluids during the day. Ask your doctor about the support tube.

Contact your doctor if you wake up with gas on multiple consecutive days.

Cold, flu, or viruses

Talk to your doctor about getting the flu shot to protect yourself from the flu. You need an injection (syringe), not a nasal spray, during pregnancy.


Contact your doctor or nurse for over-the-counter medications that are safe to take for a cold or flu. • Avoid being with sick people. Wash your hands often.

Contact your doctor if you have a fever, shortness of breath, or cough with phlegm.

Abdominal pain or cramps

As the uterus grows, you may feel pain in the groin area. This pain can be aggravated by sudden movements or prolonged walking.


Please Contact your doctor immediately in case you experience severe pain.

Braxton-Hicks’s contractions are mild, painless, and irregular. These are common and do not require treatment. • When you are in contraction, lie on your left side and rest. Put your hands on your stomach and feel the contraction begin and end. Calculate how often and how often contractions occur. If you are less than 9 months pregnant and develop muscle cramps, drink a few glasses of water quickly. If you still have 4 or more contractions in an hour after drinking water and resting, talk to your doctor.

• If you are in the ninth month of pregnancy, call your doctor if:

Contractions occur more than 6 an hour, last more than 15 to 30 seconds, become painful, or have vaginal bleeding or leakage. Your doctor can tell you to call right away if you have a fit.

Sexual activity

Changes in your libido occur during pregnancy.

• Sexual intercourse is allowed during pregnancy unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Tell your partner what they're comfortable with.

• If you or your partner have a sexually transmitted disease, have safe sex.

You may feel a little cramped a few minutes after intercourse. Contact your doctor if you experience vaginal bleeding after intercourse, or if you lose urine or water.

Changes in mood and memory

Mood swings often occur during pregnancy due to hormones, changes in sleep or eating habits, or stress.


It is normal to have different feelings during pregnancy. You will be so excited about the birth of your baby but worried about the changes in your life. Remember emotional support is very important from your partner, family, and some friends. Deal with the stress in your life. Deep breathing, meditation, listening to music, exercise, and massage can all help reduce stress.

• Having problems eating and sleeping can change the way you feel. Talk to your doctor and nutritionist for help.

• You may start forgetting. Take notes so you can remember important things. This should improve after your baby is born.

Contact your doctor if you think you could harm yourself or others, or if you think you may be depressed.


Cravings and disgust

You may crave food during pregnancy, while the smell or taste of other foods can cause nausea.


Eat a variety of healthy foods in meals and snacks, including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid foods high in sugar, fat, or salt and make healthy choices.

Take a vitamin daily during pregnancy.


Call your doctor and always talk to him if you have any concerns or questions.


Hadi clinic is the best Hospital in Kuwait for delivery, we have Obstetrics and Gynecology department that provides medical, surgical services for the prevention, diagnosis and management of a broad range of conditions affecting women’s general and reproductive health provided Our dynamic, highly committed, qualified Obstetrics and Gynecology consultants and Specialists in Kuwait. They are available around the clock with specialized care for high-risk pregnancies.

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